Goldius Software Company

Netty SSL/TLS with CA signed certificates

Server certificate #

In the description of the TLS protocol for Server certificate it states that it's structure is a sequence (chain) of certificates where the servers's certificate MUST come first in the list. Each following certificate MUST directly certify the one preceding it. Image below taken from the Browsers and Certificate Validation shows this in more details:


Create the certificates #

Process to create certificates that can be used for test application can be found here. For our example just following steps are needed:

Please note that for real production system real CA cert is needed and not self signed one.

Configure Server SSL context #

Once certs are created, we need to setup our application to use them. For server we need following files:

If we look our example folder structure, this is how it can be setup:


Now if we configure path to the certs in our config file:


Note: I am using OWNER for configuration. This is not required for netty SSL.

Then the following code can be used to load SSL context for server:

InputStream keyCertChainIS = getClass().getResourceAsStream(cfg.serverCertPath());
InputStream keyIS = getClass().getResourceAsStream(cfg.serverKeyPath());
sslCtx = SslContextBuilder.forServer(keyCertChainIS, keyIS).build();

Configure Client SSL context #

We need to import our root CA to be trusted root CA to our client. We need:

In our example it is setup as follows:

And we load it with following code:

final SslContext sslCtx = SslContextBuilder.forClient()

where we get the input stream as follows:

if ("classpath".equalsIgnoreCase(cfg.sslStreamReader())) {
    return getClass().getResourceAsStream(cfg.clientCertPath());
} else {
    return new FileInputStream(cfg.clientCertPath());

and we have path to cert in classpath configured as follows:


Complete example and demo #

The complete sample code can be found here:

It can be tested by performing following steps:

mvn clean package

In one terminal start the server:

java -jar target/netty_seccured_chat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

In another terminal start a client:

java -jar target/netty_seccured_chat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar client